Website Redesign

Full scale redesign and user experience overhaul. Redefined the end-to-end experience including Login, Homepage, PDP, Cart, Checkout, Media Library, Playback, Search and much more.

Website Redesign

During my tenure at TGC, I collaborated with a global team of internal and external experts to deliver a comprehensive site redesign. Through a rigorous process of research, testing, and prototyping, we delivered a refreshed experience spanning hundreds of styles, pages, and components made accessible through a robust design system. Our cohesive team enabled us to achieve this feat in a few short months.


Design System


Journey Maps


User Testing

UX/UI Design




Adobe CC


Responsive Grid System

The grid system includes 7 breakpoints which defines the basis of all product designs from large screen OTT app experiences, to responsive web, down to tablet and mobile app layouts in both portrait and landscape. Three breakpoints are shown below.


The Great Courses




Icon Design


Text Scale & Text Style Samples

Icon Definitions

We were able to save considerably on load time and space by using Font Awesome icons. They are highly efficient CSS byproducts that deliver better performance and speed because of fewer HTTP requests. Font Awesome icons load much faster than inline SVGs, PNGs or JPEGs.

Button Definitions

We developed a robust button asset system that included hundreds of permutations, both with and without icons on either side of the text as well as twirldowns for droplists. All buttons and other components and widgets are easily accessible within the Sketch and Figma inspector interfaces, library systems or from within each defined section of the design system.

Cross Section of Form Elements


Hundreds, if not thousands of wireframes, components, widgets, tokens and page designs were produced during this redesign project. By using Sketch and Abstract together we were able to work in the same files effectively, efficiently and at the same time prior to our migration to Figma. There are way too many to showcase so I am only showcasing a handful of experiences. Please feel free to contact me to request more design samples.


The homepage was redesigned to reduce the amount of visual noise and friction users were previously presented with based upon Hick's Law which is a simple idea that says that the more choices you present your users with, the longer it will take them to reach a decision. With this in mind, the multitude of 'Deals' that were previously front and center were rolled up into a global 'Deals Banner' which made them less distracting on the homepage, but left them accessible globally which increased conversion considerably. The main navigation and mega menu were both rearchitected to be more streamlined and user friendly as well and several previously hard-to-find features were surfaced for the user. Search was also dramatically improved both in a UX/UI sense as well as load time.

Improved Search

Global search was completely overhauled to be much more streamlined and efficient while being more robust in nature by implementing live predictive search results for both courses and professors. Search facets and filters were added to results and category pages and redesigned course art was added to each product card to help customers quickly scan for the artwork they had seen previously in our course catalogue or online improving discover immensely.

Improved Browse Experience

After several prototyped user tests, it was learned that removing several marketing items, alphabetizing the categories and adding color coded icons to each category greatly improved discoverability and time to target as set forth in both Hick's Law and Fitts' Law. Desktop 'browse' utilized a large droplist 'mega menu' while mobile took advantage of a full 'browse' page experience.

Desktop Browse Mega Menu

Mobile Browse Page

OTT apps (and channels) followed the same process as the responsive Great Courses website and apps. You can view/download the apps or explore the designs below



Mobile and tablet apps went through many iterations as well. Some required external agency integrations while the last few were completed 100% in-house. You can view the work below.

View some recent projects spanning web, app and SVOD apps/channel experiences, branding, omnichannel marketing and more. Please contact me to request more.


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